Monday, April 25, 2011


Death is infinite
And i am infinite
liars, decieters
and plagueanisms
plus two or three
and maybe none
I am unborn and
losing to a female being born
I summon spirits
and spirits summon me
it's not nothing
it's bush dancing
and religious voodoo fever
goats cut throat and
the blood rejuvanating
I am infinite in the
death but stilly early rising
i am blood i am filth
but blood and me
will be dying pure
choosing a path,
but remember the path
chooses everyone
and it's not the choice of good
but energised romantic spirit
who desire more
love for redemption
the devil dosent condem you
god halts you and makes
you watch the devil at play
until you want
some more then
your path is leveled
like the goat
that's blood was
being rejuvanated buy
pure neccisty only to be told
you were already dead

this is phase 2
but wandering
how blackness
will equal whats envisaged
you eat grass
and hop like a bug
croak croak croak croak
something minus
you remember being,
before you step out and
this is last begining
until you begin again

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